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Basic Policy on Information Security

Basic Policy

Our company's business endeavors are centered on the capacitor business, and the information about our customers and internal information handled in the business process is highly confidential. We recognize that it is our mission to maintain the confidentiality of this information strictly to maintain the trust of our customers and investors and continue to develop our business.

To this end, we have introduced a separately established management system to protect the confidentiality and integrity of important information including that of our customers, and to prevent security incidents such as information leaks and alteration and all of us shall work in accordance with the following basic policy on information security.

  • 1. Compliance with Laws/Regulations

    Given the importance of the information handled by us, all officers and employees shall take information security measures and comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules related to information security.

    In the event of any violation of this policy and related regulations, etc., disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the established “Employment Regulations”.

  • 2. Building a Management System

    To protect our information assets, we will clarify our information security management system and strive to prevent information security incidents from occurring. In the unlikely event of an incident, we will promptly investigate the cause of the incident, minimize the damage, and work to prevent a recurrence.

  • 3. Information Asset Management and Risk Assessment

    We shall establish and implement the “Basic Policy on Information Security” for the appropriate management of information assets. This policy shall be thoroughly communicated to all officers and employees.

    We will build a system to identify vulnerabilities and threats to information assets in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and to assess any identified risks using appropriate standards.

  • 4. Implementation of Education

    We will make our employees aware of the serious social responsibility to handle information assets appropriately, and will continuously provide them with the education and training necessary to improve their awareness of information security.